C3: Europe Research Cluster- Dissemination

Publications and Other Dissemination


Basten, L. & Gerhard, U. (2018). Zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie: Urbane Räume im Wandel. In U. Lehmkuhl (ed.) Länderbericht Kanada. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 321-356.


Phelps, N.A (ed.)(2017). Old Europe, New Suburbanization?: Governance, Land, and Infrastructure in European Suburbanization. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Røe, P.G. (2017). Ideology, Planning and Meaning In Suburbia: Investigating the Case of Row House Areas, In N.A. Phelps (ed.) Old Europe, New Suburbanization? Governance, Land and Infrastructure in European Suburbanization. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 85-109.

Basten, L. (2017). "In-Betweens" in Time and Space: The Governance of Suburbanisms in the Ruhr. In N.A. Phelps (ed.) Old Europe, New Suburbanization? Governance, Land, and Infrastructure in European Sub-urbanization. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, pp. 158-182.

Basten, L. (2017). Suburban Worlds. In W. Gamerith & U. Gerhard (eds.) Kulturgeographie der USA. Eine Nation begreifen. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Spektrum, pp.137-144.

Basten, L. (2017). Das Ruhrgebiet als Labor des Strukturwandels. In J. Scharioth & J.P. Schräpler (eds.) Wege zur Metropole Ruhr – Heimat im Wandel. Essen: Klartext, pp. 43-44.


Basten, L. & Gerhard, U. (2016) Stadt und Urbanität. In T. Freytag, H. Gebhardt, U. Gerhard, & D. Wastl-Walter (eds.) Humangeographie kompakt. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Spektrum, pp. 115-139.


Røe, P.G (2015). The Construction of a Suburb: Ideology, Architecture and Everyday Culture in Skjettenbyen. Built Environment. 41 (4): 538-549.

Phelps, N. A., Tarazona Vento, A. & Roitman, S. (2015). The suburban question: Grassroots politics and place making in Spanish suburbs. Environment & Panning C, 33 (3).

Hirt, S. (2015). Planning during Post-socialism. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd Edition). Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 187–192.


Stanilov, K. & Hirt, S. (2014). Sprawling Sofia: Post-socialist Suburban Growth in the Bulgarian Capital. In K. Stanilov & L. Sykora (eds.) Confronting Suburbanization: Urban Decentralization in Post-socialist Europe. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 163-191.

Hirt, S. & Kovachev, A. (2014). Suburbia in Three Acts: The East European Story. In M. Eckers, P. Hammel, & R. Keil (eds.) Suburban Governance: A Global View. Toronto: University of Toronto, pp.177-197.

Phelps, N. A. & Tarazona Vento, A. (2014). Suburban governance in Western Europe. In M. Eckers, P. Hammel, & R. Keil (eds.) Suburban Governance: A Global View. Toronto: University of Toronto, pp. 155-176.

Røe, P. G. (2014). Analysing Place and Place-making: Urbanization in Suburban Oslo. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 38 (2): 498–515.


Schmid, C. (2012). Travelling Warrior and Complete Urbanization in Switzerland: Landscape as Lived Space. In G. Girot & F. Truniger (eds.) Landscript 1: Landscape, Vision, Motion. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 138–155.

Schmid, C. (2012). Images of Urbanization in Switzerland. In U. Görlich & M. Wandeler(eds.) Auf Gemeindegebiet – On Common Ground. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess, pp. 168–172.

Schmid, C. (2012). Patterns and Pathways of Global Urbanization: Towards Comparative Analysis. In J. Acebillo et al. (eds.) Globalization of urbanity, Academia di Architettura. Università della Svizzera Italiana. Barcelona: Actar, pp. 51–77.

Schmid C. (2012). Vers de nouvelles formes de ville. In L. Coen & C. Lambelet (eds.) L’Ouest pour horizon. Schéma directeur de L’Ouest Lausannois, Infolio, Gollion, pp. 253–255.

Boltshauser, R., Lampugnani, V. M. & Schmid, C. (2012). Die Agglomeration ist die neue Stadt, aber welche? Ein Gespräch, geführt von Siham Balutsch und Yvonne Michel. Trans 20.  Zürich: Relevanz, pp. 94–103.

Røe, P.G. (2012). Green suburbanisms: Differentiating the greenness of suburbs. In M. Luccarelli & P.G. Røe (eds.) Green Oslo. Visions, planning and discourse. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 159–76.

Brenner, N. & Schmid, C. (2012). Planetary urbanization. In M. Gandy (ed.) Urban Constellations. Berlin: Jovis Verlag, pp. 10–13.

Hirt, S. (2012). Iron Curtains: Gates, Suburbs and Privatization of Space in the Post-socialist City. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Klausen, J. E. & Røe, P. G. (2012). Governance and change on the urban fringe. Urban Research and Practice. 5 (1): 1-5.

Schmid, C. (2012). Henri Lefebvre, the right to the city, and the new metropolitan mainstream. In N. Brenner, P. Marcuse & M. Mayer (eds.), Cities for people, not for profit: Critical urban theory and the right to the city.  New York: Routledge, pp. 42–62.


Røe, P. G. & Saglie, I. (2011) Minicities in suburbia – A model for urban sustainability? FORMakademisk. 4 (2): 38-58.