A4: Infrastructure - Dissemination

Publications and Other Dissemination


Filion, P. & Pulver, N.M. (eds.)(2019). Critical Perspectives on Suburban Infrastructures: Contemporary International Cases. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Monstadt, J. & Coutard, O. (2019). Cities in an era of interfacing infrastructures: Politics and spatialities of the urban nexus. Editorial to the special issue in Urban Studies 56(11).

Monstadt, J. & Schmidt, M. (2019) Urban resilience in the making? The governance of critical infrastructures in German cities. Urban Studies. 56(11).

Huck, A. & Monstadt, J. (2019). Urban and infrastructure resilience: Diverging concepts and the need for cross-boundary learning. Environmental Science & Policy.


Filion, P. (2018). The Morphology of Dispersed Suburbanism: The Land-use Patterns of the Dominant North American Urban Form. In R. Harris & U. Lehrer (eds.) The Suburban Land Question: A Global Survey. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Wright-Contreras, L., March, H. & Schramm, S. (2017). Fragmented landscapes of water supply in suburban Hanoi, Habitat International. 61: 64-74.


Filion, P. & Keil, R. (2016). Contested infrastructures: Tension, inequity and innovation in the global suburb, Urban Policy and Research, DOI: 10.1080/08111146.2016.1187122

Keil, R. & Addie, J.P. (2016). ‘It’s not going to be suburban, it’s going to be all urban’: Assembling Post-Suburbia in the Toronto and Chicago Regions. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39(5): 892-911.


Addie, J.P. & Keil, R. (2015). Real existing regionalism: The region between talk, territory and technology. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39(2): 407-17.

Filion, P. (2015). Suburban Inertia: The Entrenchment of Dispersed Suburbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39: 633-640.

Filion, P. (2015). The Creation and Perpetuation of an Automobile-Oriented Urban Form: Dispersed Suburbanism in North America. In M. Moraglio and C. Kopper (eds.) The Organization of Transport: A History of Users, Industry and Public Policy. New York: Routledge, 173-194.


Young, D. & Keil, R. (2014). Locating the urban in-between: Tracking the urban politics of infrastructure in Toronto. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 38(5): 1589-1608.