Roger Keil presents "A world of suburbs? Finding the heart of the urban century in the periphery"

Dr. Keil will give this presentation to members of the York Circle on Saturday, April 30 2011, as part of the twice-annual "Lunch & Lecture" series to highlight York research.

"A World of Suburbs? Finding the Heart of the Urban Century in the Periphery" with York environmental studies Professor Roger Keil (right) will offer York Circle members insights into urbanization. The 21st century has been heralded as an urban century. Indeed, urbanization is now the most tangible shared experience of humanity. Keil will explore what is behind the story of the "urban revolution". He will uncover an important and perhaps astonishing truth: Most urban dwellers now live in the periphery. From the squatter settlements of the Global South to the wealthy gated communities of North America, from the tower block peripheries of Europe or Canada to the newly sprawling cities of Asia, a common theme emerges: where cities grow, they grow at the margins.