Roger Keil featured in

Roger Keil was featured in an article from about his recent presentation at a panel discussion entitled “Infrastructure, Growth and the Shape of the Suburbs” in Vaughan on October 4th.

“Take responsibility for your urbanity,” urged Roger Keil, a professor at York University and director of its City Institute.

He spoke of how little the suburbs and city know each other and how pro-active residents need to be as Vaughan and the larger region continue to urbanize.
Mississauga, held up as a frequent example during the evening, has a population larger than San Francisco, Mr. Keil pointed out, making it difficult to treat it as a simple suburb.

Increasingly it is “in between cities” like ours where the battle for the future is being fought.

“They are now becoming the real political centre of the world in which we live,” Mr. Keil said.

Click here to read the full article.