Title/Position: Professor
Department/Faculty/Institution: Department of Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Degree(s)/School(s): PhD (Sociology), Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
E-mail: henning.nuissl@geo.hu-berlin.de
MCRI Projects: A2: Governance
Background: Henning Nuissl is a full professor of applied geography and town planning at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is also a research fellow with the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research—UFZ in Leipzig, Germany and has held guest professorships at Technische Universität Berlin and Potsdam University. His areas of interest include suburbanisation, urban sprawl and land use change, social geography, and urban and regional governance. Henning’s recent publications include “Fresh wind or hot air? What spatial planning can gain from the governance discourse” (Journal of Planning Education and Research) with Dirk Heinrichs, “Dispersión urbana y nuevos desafíos para la gobernanza (metropolitana) en América Latina: el caso de Santiago de Chile [Urban Sprawl and new Challenges for (metropolitan) governance in Latin America – the case of Santiago de Chile]” (Revista EURE), with Dirk Heinrichs and Claudia Rodriguez Seeger, and “The economic approach towards the containment of land consumption” (Environmental Science and Policy) with Christoph Schröter-Schlaack.
Research Interests: Suburbanization; Urban Sprawl and Land-use Change; Social Geography; Urban and Regional Governance.
Selected Publications:
Hierse, L., Nuissl, H., Beran, F. & Czarnetzki, F. (2017). Concurring urbanizations? Understanding the simultaneity of sub- and re-urbanization trends with the help of migration figures in Berlin. Regional Studies, Regional Science. 4(1): 189-201.
Hölzl, C. & Nuissl, H. (2014). Urban policy and spatial planning in a globalized city – a stakeholder view of Santiago de Chile. Planning Practice and Research. 29(1): 21-40.
Nuissl, H. & Heinrichs, D. (2013). Slums: Perspectives on the definition, the appraisal and the management of an urban phenomenon. Die Erde. 144(2):105-116.
Nuissl, H. & Heinrichs, D. (2011). Fresh wind or hot air? What spatial planning can gain from the governance discourse. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 31(1): 47-59.
Haase, D. & Nuissl, H. (2010). The urban-to-rural gradient of land use change and impervious cover: A long-term trajectory for the city of Leipzig. Journal of Land Use Science. 5(2): 123-141.
Heinrichs, D., Nuissl, H. & Rodriguez-Seeger, C. (2009). Dispersión urbana y nuevos desafíos para la gobernanza (metropolitana) en América Latina: el caso de Santiago de Chile. Revista EURE. 35: 29-46.
Nuissl, H. & Schröter-Schlaack, C. (2009). The economic approach towards the containment of land consumption. Environmental Science and Policy. 12(3): 270-280.
Nuissl, H., Haase, D., Lanzendorf, M. & Wittmer, H. (2009). Impact assessment of land consumption in urbanized areas – an integrated approach from an environmental perspective. Land Use Policy. 26(2): 414-424.
Nuissl, H. & Rink, D. (2005). The 'production’ of urban sprawl in eastern Germany as a phenomenon of post-socialist transformation. Cities. 22(2): 123-134.
Nuissl, H. (2005). Trust in a ‘Post-socialist Region’: A Study of East German ICT Entrepreneurs’ Willingness to Trust Each Other. European Urban and Regional Studies. 12(1): 65-81.