Ludger Basten

Basten_LudgerTitle/Position: Director / Professor of Economic and Social Geography
Institute for Interdisciplinary Didactics, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology, Technical University Dortmund, Germany
Geography “Diplom” (MA equivalent)/Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany; Ph. D. (Geography)/Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany; “Habilitation” (Geography)/Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

MCRI Projects: B4: Boundaries; C3: Europe Research Cluster.

Background: As a broadly trained geographer specializing in the diverse and rather open field of urban geography, Basten's research interests cover a variety of aspects and processes of urban and metropolitan development. Firstly, he is interested in the way in which current development (and restructuring) processes at the urban and city-regional scale can be and are influenced by planning, government regulation or systems of governance – and what role space and spatial configurations play in shaping them. Secondly, though in no way exclusively, he is particularly interested in suburbia and processes of suburbanization as an almost universal process of urban development, even if scale, historic pathways, physical form and cultural meaning differ markedly between cities, regions, countries. Basten views suburbia or post-suburbia as highly complex, heterogeneous and fluid urban environments where design, governance and processes of spatial differentiation take on a special dimension and meaning.

Research Interests: Urban and Metropolitan Development; Planning and Governance; Suburbia; The Materiality and Design of Urban Environments.

Selected Publications:

Basten, L. & Gerhard, U. (2018). Zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie: Urbane Räume im Wandel. In: U. Lehmkuhl (ed.) Länderbericht Kanada. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 321-356.

Basten, L. (2017). Suburban Worlds. In W. Gamerith & U. Gerhard (eds.) Kulturgeographie der USA. Eine Nation begreifen. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Spektrum, pp.137-144.

Basten, L. (2017). "In-Betweens" in Time and Space: The Governance of Suburbanisms in the Ruhr. In N.A. Phelps (ed.) Old Europe, New Suburbanization? Governance, Land, and Infrastructure in European Sub-urbanization. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 158-182.

Basten, L. (2017). Das Ruhrgebiet als Labor des Strukturwandels. In J. Scharioth & J.P. Schräpler (eds.) Wege zur Metropole Ruhr – Heimat im Wandel. Essen: Klartext, pp. 43-44.

Basten, L. & Gerhard, U. (2016) Stadt und Urbanität. In T. Freytag, H. Gebhardt, U. Gerhard & D. Wastl-Walter (eds.) Humangeographie kompakt. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Spektrum, pp. 115-139.

Basten, L. (2011). Stuttgart: A Metropolitan City-region in the Making? International Planning Studies. 16 (3): 273-287.

Basten, L. (ed.) (2011) Zwischen Basel, Bochum und Toronto. Einblicke in die Geographie postindustrieller Stadtentwicklungen. Berlin: LIT-Verlag.

Basten, L. (2011). Stadt - Raum - Planung. Zur Geographie spätmoderner Städte und Stadtregionen. In L. Basten (ed.) Zwischen Basel, Bochum und Toronto. Einblicke in die Geographie postindustrieller Stadtentwicklungen. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 9-24.

Basten, L. (ed.) (2009). Metropolregionen – Restrukturierung und Governance. Deutsche und internationale Fallstudien. Dortmund: Rohn.

Basten, L. (2009). Metropolen am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts – eine Einleitung. In L. Basten (ed.) Metropolregionen – Restrukturierung und Governance. Deutsche und internationale Fallstudien. Dortmund: Rohn, pp. 7-20.

Basten, L. (2008). Recent Trends of Urban and Metropolitan Governance in Canada. Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien. 28 (2): 124-138.

Basten, L. (2006). Gestaltung in der städtischen Peripherie. Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde 80 (4): 453-470.